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Sharing works of mercy 

Our blog features stories from projects around the world that are changing the amount of love, truth, well-being and opportunity that enter into the lives of marginalized children.

How You Can Help A Child Recover From Sexual and Physical Abuse

It’s hard to imagine in our 21st-century world that innocent children could be suffering from the horrendous abuse of modern-day forms of slavery, but it’s true and their...

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4 Worthy Causes for your Almsgiving this Lent

In the Catholic tradition, the principle of almsgiving is most commonly associated with the liturgical season of Lent. As one of the three pillars of Lent, we are called to...

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7 Saints to Pray to During a Pandemic

In this time of crisis and worldwide suffering due to the COVID-19 epidemic it can be difficult to process what is going on, let alone turn to prayer and ask for the Lord's...

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4 Practical Ways You Can Make A Difference in the Life of A Struggling Mother

Mothers around the world are united by the desire to provide a good life for their children and to care for them as they grow. But what happens when circumstances arise that...

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3 Problems and 3 Solutions: Addressing Crises in the Philippines

With a population of 93 million people spread out over 7,600 islands, the Philippines is the country with the third largest number of Catholics in the world. Filipinos are...

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5 Ways You Can Help End Child Sex Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the largest international crime industries in the world, robbing an estimated 25 million people of their human dignity.

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31 Creative Ideas for Fasting this Lent

Lent is right around the corner — are you ready?

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Catholics around the world will enter into 40 days of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to grow...

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Working Toward Freedom, Belonging, and Healing in the Philippines

Many of us look fondly upon childhood as a time of wonder and joy. Children are naturally full of excitement as they explore and learn about the world. It can be difficult to...

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Protecting the Most Vulnerable: Answering the Call in Isaiah 1:17

One of the overarching themes in the prophetic books of the Old Testament is the importance of God’s people caring for the anawim: the widow, the orphan, and the stranger. In...

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The Impact You Made in 2019

As we begin a new year, all of us at Missionhurst CICM would like to thank each of you for the continued care, compassion, and generosity you show our missionaries and the...

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Serving God Through Our Neighbors is Our Joy

Dear Friends,

I hope everyone had a wonderful year! As we enter into the new year, I want to thank all of you who sustained Missionhurst financially through our MercyWorks...

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3 Challenges Mothers Face Living in Poverty in Guatemala and How You Can Help

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chains have been damaged, forcing many to go without access to reliable sources of food. The United Nations World Food Program...

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Our Story

MercyWorks is an initiative sponsored by Missionhurst CICM that is dedicated to bringing dignity to the world’s most marginalized children by meeting their most basic educational and health care needs. Our projects include everything from building schools in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to providing proper medical care to infants in Guatemala. Learn more about our story and the Missionhurst CICM here.