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Meet 4 Guatemalan Families Who Need Your Sponsorship to Feed Their Children this Week

by MercyWorks Team on November 8, 2021

A year later, Guatemalans are still feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic as well as the tropical storms Eta and Iona. Not only are people suffering from a crisis of disease, but they are also suffering from disruptions to supply chains, community services, and employment opportunities. The devastation caused by the coronavirus and tropical storms is most evident in poor countries and areas like rural Guatemala. 

Prior to the pandemic, 54% of families in Guatemala lived in poverty, and 13% lived in extreme poverty. Over the last year, their situation has become even more desperate. They lack the basic necessities to feed their children — simply rice, beans, corn, and cooking oil. 

While work is often unstable in rural Guatemala, these communities are now facing even greater challenges to employment. Reliable employment is scarce. The daily reality is: sometimes work is available; sometimes it's not. The situation is increasingly complex in the country, as the crisis has wreaked havoc on farms — the main source of work for many.

Help a family in Guatemala during this difficult time by providing them with  meals for a month. Learn more about how far a simple $60 sponsorship can go!

The Bethany Center is on a Mission to End the Food Crisis in Guatemala

The Bethany Center is on a mission to combat the devastation caused by widespread poverty and further exacerbated by COVID. A ministry that serves the poorest of the poor, particularly women and children, in Guatemala, the Bethany Center is collectively made up of four locations, including a central urban location, the infant and maternity center, and two rural soup kitchens.

The center provides food, healthcare services, education, training, and general support in these impoverished rural communities. During this time, they are focused, more than ever, on supporting families who have been impacted by the loss of employment and by reduced access to food and supplies. A vital part of our ministry is providing meal kits to families that include a month's supply of staples. Sometimes working parents can't get to the center for a hot meal — that’s why we are bringing food to them.


Our mission will always be to serve those in our community who need the most help, and the Bethany Center will continue to do so as long as we are able. 

Let’s meet some of the families who have been helped by the Bethany Center.

Real Families Are Receiving Hope and Nourishment through Your Generosity

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bethany Center provided meals to about 250 children and their families a day. Since the start of the pandemic, that number has only grown. Now, in addition to the 250 meals for children, the Bethany Center distributes 100 food kits to 100 families every month. Here are four families who have been supported by the Bethany Center and continue to rely on the center’s assistance to meet their most basic needs:

Dominga’s Story

Domingas-storyDominga is the mother of five young children. Her husband isn’t always able to find work — even under normal circumstances. The nutritional center at the Bethany Center helps her provide meals for her family when their supplies run low and she cannot afford to buy more food. 

watch dominga's story

Sarah’s Story

Sarahs-storySarah’s husband is often unable to find work and they struggle with the expensive cost of food. Sarah and her family go to the Bethany Center every day to receive a hot meal. Without the meals provided by the Bethany Center, there would be many days where Sarah and her children went hungry.

watch sarah' story

Angela’s Story

Angelas-storyAngela lives with her parents, husband, and children. With such a large household, Angela relies on the support provided by the Bethany Center to feed and care for her children. Her children typically receive lunch during their school day from the center and Angela relies on the provided provisions to feed the rest of her family. 

watch angela's story

Romelia's Story

romelias-storyRomelia has three children and her husband does not make very much money. They rely on the food and supplies provided by the Bethany Center and are grateful for the support they receive. When it is time to pick up provisions from the center, her children excitedly remind her not to forget.

watch romelia's story

Watch the full videos and learn more about the families we help by visiting our special Bethany Center webpage

YOU Can Feed a Family in Need for a Month 

To continue to feed families like these, our missionaries need YOUR help. With an overwhelming demand for food and other basic supplies, our resources are running low. The average meal costs about 15 cents and a gift of $60 feeds a family for one month. By supporting our work in Guatemala, you are feeding a family in need.

Sponsor a family in need — feed a family for one month and give them hope for the future this #Giving Tuesday.

Feed A Family



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