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A New Era of Hope: An Update on St. Charles School in Malawi

by MercyWorks Team on November 21, 2023

Picture this — young students wake up only to spend the first several hours of the early morning traveling on foot, over dirty roads, and arrive at school too exhausted to focus. 

This was the daily reality for many of the young people in the village of Chisankhwa, Malawi. However, with the opening of St. Charles Primary School, a new era of hope is beginning.

At Last — An Education Close to Home

Over the past year, our missionaries in Malawi have been tirelessly working towards turning a distant dream into a tangible reality. The result of their efforts is the opening of St. Charles Primary School in Chisankhwa, Malawi. This remarkable undertaking now offers children a newfound possibility - the gift of attending school without the arduous burden of traveling long distances.

In a community where access to quality education is incredibly limited, this newly established school will serve as a beacon of hope, providing children in grades 1-8 with access to education close to home.

In September 2022, we were thrilled to open the doors to the first 171 students at St. Charles. Seeing the smiling faces of students sitting at their desks for the first time was an incredibly rewarding moment. For many, this was their first day of school ever.

The Final Leg of the Journey

However, our work here is not yet complete. While phases I and II of construction are complete, we still need to finish the third and final phase to welcome all 300+ students to school. Classrooms for grades 5-8, a staffroom, and a study room still need to be built to bring this project to completion. 

This Giving Tuesday, we are aiming to raise $10,000 to contribute to phase III construction of St. Charles Primary School. With your support, we can make significant strides in opening the school to its fullness once and for all. 

Help us finish what God has started here in Malawi. 

Please consider contributing this Giving Tuesday and help us provide education and opportunity to these deserving children. A donation of any amount goes directly to Malawi, making a direct impact and tangible impact on this project. 

Please help by sharing our mission with your friends and family and spread the word about this life-changing project on social media. We ask you to also keep the students, staff, teachers, and missionaries at St. Charles in your prayers. Together, we can help uplift these children out of the cycle of poverty and ensure an education accessible for all.

Make a difference in a child's life this giving season. Join us in giving the gift of education.

 Donate to St. Charles



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