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7 Saints to Pray to for Online Safety for Kids

by MercyWorks on April 29, 2024

As the world continues to grow more digital, online safety is often a top concern for many parents. The internet can be a great tool for young minds and has opened promising new doors for connection and education. At the same time, increased access to the internet has also exposed young people to new threats.

It’s almost certain that your kids will be on the internet, but how can you protect them from the risks that come with its use? Like many situations in life, we can turn to the saints for intercession and protection.

Though many saints lived in an age without the advanced technology we currently have, they still offer guidance and intercession for our needs in today's world. Below are seven powerful saints that you can ask to intercede for your children’s online safety!

Saint Maria Goretti

At just eleven years old, Maria was violently attacked by a young man who sought to rape her. Maria resisted her attacker’s advances and was murdered. Her attacker was later caught and imprisoned. While in jail, Maria came to him in a dream and offered forgiveness to him for his actions. Maria's family also forgave her attacker, following her saintly example.

St. Maria Goretti is is the youngest saint ever canonized. She is Patron Saint of youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape.

Parents can petition Saint Maria Goretti to keep children safe from online predators and to help them maintain their purity. You can implore the powerful intercession of St. Maria Goretti for your children and victims of sexual abuse by praying our novena to St. Maria Goretti.

Intercede for the victims of sexual abuse in our St. Maria Goretti novena


Saint Josephine Bakhita

Kidnapped into slavery in early childhood, St. Josephine Bakhita suffered many years of abuse throughout her young life. She was eventually purchased by a more merciful family who placed her with the Canossian Sisters in Venice. 

During her time here, she fell in love with God. The Sisters guided Josephine on her spiritual journey and encouraged her to follow Jesus. St. Josephine said that she was grateful for her enslavement because she may not have come to know Christ or enter His Church without this trial.

St. Josephine Bakhita is the Patron Saint of victims of human trafficking and modern-day slavery. She is also the Patron Saint of Sudan. 

Parents can ask St. Josephine Bakhita to intercede for their children to keep them safe from modern-day traffickers. You can also petition St. Josephine to pray for all of the victims of human trafficking. You can pray a novena to St. Josephine Bakhita that you can pray to ask for her intercession. 


Saint Isidore of Seville

Though this sixth-century saint lived in a time that lacked our modern-day technology, Pope John Paul II foresaw the need for a saint to guide Catholics in their use of the internet. In 1997, Pope John Paull II declared St. Isidore the Patron Saint of the internet for his scholarship and love of sharing knowledge. 

St. Isidore, well-known for his brilliance, created a 20-book collection of knowledge which is the basis for encyclopedias. An early sharer of knowledge, St. Isidore of Seville is an excellent example for those who seek to learn and share their thoughts with a wider audience.

Saint Isidore of Seville is the Patron Saint of the Internet. 

For parents, St. Isidore is a great saint to petition to help their children manage their use of new technology. You can find a prayer to St. Isidore to implore his intercession here


Saint Nicholas

While many associate him with Christmas and Santa Claus, St. Nicholas is most well-known for his role as the Patron Saint of young people. It is recorded that throughout his life, God used St. Nicholas' prayers to bring several children back to life.

Saint Nicholas is widely known as the Patron Saint of children. He is also the Patron Saint of sailors and pawnbrokers.

Parents can petition St. Nicholas to watch over and guide their children in every aspect of life, especially in their online activities. You can find a special prayer to Saint Nicholas here


Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict is one of the most beloved and popular saints of all time. He is the Patron Saint of students and Europe. Many people implore this great saint’s intercession for protection against evil.

The dark influences of the internet can certainly be evil and pose a serious threat to young souls and minds. Parents can petition St. Benedict to protect their children from the harsh and negative influences online. 


Saint Cyriacus

St. Cyriacus, also known as St. Cyria, is an influential intercessor that can help protect us from temptation. During his lifetime, St. Cyriacus was known for his great charity in working to help and protect other Catholics. This was during the fourth century when Catholics were imprisoned, tortured, and killed for their faith. 

St. Cyriacus is the Patron Saint of temptation and eye disease. 

St. Cyriac is an excellent saint to petition to protect children from temptation online. Because he is the saint associated with eye disease, St. Cyriac is also an excellent saint to petition for children's eyesight, which can be strained due to screen time.


Saint Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas one of the greatest theological and philosophical minds that the world has ever known. A Dominican friar and a Doctor of the Church, Aquinas’ Catholic Theology went on to be adopted as the official philosophy of the Church.

Saint Thomas Aquinas is the Patron Saint of students and Catholic educational institutions.

Parents can seek the intercession of St. Thomas Aquinas to guide their children, especially in their online studies. You can also pray 'A Student's Prayer,' written by Aquinas himself.


The Saints: Companions For Our Spiritual Journey

These inspiring men and women of God offer invaluable insights into the ways that we can move through the modern world while staying true to our faith. Each of these holy saints can serve as a powerful intercessor and companion for your children in our ever-digitizing age. Do not be afraid to call upon them for prayers and protection! 

Discover more of our prayer resources for more novenas and prayers to grow close to God and His saints.



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